I have been developing a morning routine. It seems every person that I admire because of their accomplishments focuses on routine.
I like to wake up at 7:00 AM. Do twenty minutes of a light workout (yoga, run, core),
To write for thirty minutes while having a cup of coffee, And to answer emails, get organized, and read anything needed to prep for the day’s meetings.
I like to go to the gym at 10:00AM. Come back home at 11:30AM, shower, and make a healthy lunch before getting back to work.
Until 5:30 PM - Which is when I like to go out to comedy shows and open mics.
That’s the way I would like to live my life, but since I have moved to Brooklyn,
I have only done it twice.
I come back from comedy shows at 4:00AM, I drink tall cans of Coors Banquet beer in the park while eating bodega sandwiches with people I met that night (I call it networking to make myself feel better about it the next day)
None of it sets Future Stephen up for success.
I know what will work best for Future Stephen, but Present and Past Stephen are not doing a great job of taking Future Stephen’s concerns into account.
Present Stephen would love to stay for another drink, Future Stephen would like to be rested to conquer the day.
If only the two could meet….